Trieste Terminal Passeggeri S.p.A. manages the parking areas along the waterfront.
Waterfront Parking
It is a pay and display parking from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm from Monday to Saturday (except public holidays) and payment can be made via the parking meters installed in the parking lots. Payment can also be made with rechargeable cards, with the subscription service “Neospark” or with the app Easypark purchased at the parking office located at Molo IV and open from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 1.00pm and from 2.00 pm to 5.00pm. Saturdays and public holidays closed.
The parking lots on the waterfront have a high turnover and are divided into four zones.
The prices as follows:
Red Zone: € 1,40 / h 30 minutes min. € 0.70
Yellow Zone: € 1,00 / h 30 minutes min. € 0.50
Green Zone: € 0,80 / h 30 minutes min. € 0.40
Lanterna Zone: € 0,50 / h minimum min. € 0.30
For further information +39 040 6732550.